Sabot Black Friday is coming and will last a week: when it starts and how to make the most of it!
If you thought that Black Friday 2022 would last just one day, you will have to rethink the dates, since this time it will be spread over several days. In recent years, in fact, Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come together in one way or another. Now it would be more correct to talk about the "Black Friday days". This year the official date is November 25th and it is always celebrated on the Friday following American Thanksgiving!
On the occasion of Black Friday, SABOT will launch a series of flash offers, promotions and unmissable discounts on many products, which can be purchased online. November 25, 2022 will therefore be the perfect day to pick up some deals or start with Christmas gifts.
As usual, the promotional activities will start days before (I will notify you immediately as soon as Black Friday starts) and will end towards the beginning of December.
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Tips for shopping during Black Friday 2022
- Consult our online shop www.sabot.tv and compile a list of footwear or accessories that interest you, noting prices and availability.
- It is essential to subscribe to the newsletter or keep up to date through social pages.
- Plan your purchases, preparing a list of the various items that interest you, finding at least a couple of alternatives, so as not to be surprised if the product you wanted is out of stock.
- Teamwork: come to an agreement with a friend or family member, dividing the shopping list, grabbing the best offers!
Do you only buy products from past collections on Black Friday? Absolutely not, Black Friday has changed a lot over the years.
From a "warehouse emptying" event of the first years in the USA, it has gradually evolved and transformed into the most important event of the year with special offers, which concern a wide range of products, both those recently launched and those already on the market for a few months.
Are there any differences on returns or legal guarantees sold during Black Friday?
No, buying and selling during Black Friday follows Italian and European regulations and there are no differences in protection compared to purchases made in another period of the year. Serious retailers apply all legal protections even during Black Friday promotional sales.
Do you think Italians take advantage of Black Friday?!
I'll get your curiosity out of the way right away: According to the survey by the research company GfK, in 2019 45% of Italians purchased Christmas gifts on Black Friday. This percentage rises to 83% if you look only at online purchases. Compared to Black Friday in 2018, in 2019 (pre-Covid) sales during this period increased by 42%. The products that drove sales were above all portable speakers, cameras, clothing and footwear , laptops and TVs, but also household appliances.
Why does Black Friday exist?
Black Friday was born in the United States because it is closely linked to Thanksgiving. Its first appearance seems to refer to the Macy's store in New York which in 1924 organized a shopping day after "Thanksgiving" Thursday, without however using the term "Black Friday" for the event. However, the shopping day was taken as an example in the rest of America and grew over the years, until it became the starting date for purchases during the Christmas period.